DTC Live Blog

  • How To Build a $10K/month profit DTC business in 60 days
    Why Am I Doing This? It all started when I saw this Tweet… … and decided to follow the formula to see if I can make it work. How Am I Doing This? Joe says there are a few easy steps. They are: General Approach I will do this with 60 days effort as the […]
  • Step 0 – Set up a Live Blog Site
    Steps Taken I have web hosting with HostMonster. It is very easy to set up a new WordPress site. I already owned the domain name www.binaryfunhouse.com. It felt like a good fit. I found a simple WordPress template called Bjork by Anders Noren. Next Action Step 1. Find the right product to sell
  • Step 1. Find the right product to sell
    The first piece of advice is to find something that already sells. This reduces the risk of making something no-one wants. That would waste time & money. The task is to … Find a product So here is a quick brainstorm of products: Time to do a quick Google Search… Example 1 $5 per bar! […]